Shooting Reports for TOTAL:

Shooting Reports for TOTAL:

 As of the beginning of this year I have begun a long term project of shooting reports for TOTAL in partnership with 3.0 Productions. Every 2 to 3 months I will be heading ot Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea to cover major construction steps (more…)

Shooting for Badminton Unlimited

Shooting for Badminton Unlimited

Last week I shot 2 segments for Badminton Unlimited, the first segment was shot in Seoul and the second one in Suwon, South Korea. It was a busy day that included shooting Son Wan Ho’s interview before practice at Taerung National Training center, (more…)

Working as a Reporter for Arirang TV’s Korea Today –


Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Damyang in South Korea for Arirang TV’s morning show called Korea Today. (more…)

May 2014 – World Cup News Reports

May 2014 – World Cup News Reports

I had been working on shooting news reports for Aljazeera’s Bein Sports for a couple of months and the month of May as well as a part of June ended up being all about the world cup which kept my partner and I very busy. Thankfully this opportunity allowed me to explore the world of sports news a lot more.



Sometimes when you take on jobs you have a lot of notice and you are able to prepare what you need well ahead of time, and sometimes you will end up with opportunities that arise at the last minute and you need to react quickly and be flexible so that they do not pass you by. (more…)